How it works

Add new template

Create templates for
different deal types

Create different line items on different types of deals using LinePilot's powerful templating system. Each template holds configuration for a certain deal type, and you can apply filters to choose which deals use which template.

Entering in deal properties

Use deal properties to
create dynamic line items

You can populate any line item property (including custom properties) using static values, or pull in properties from your deal.
You can even use tokens to combine the two - for example, append the contract start date to the end of your first line item.

Trigger when deal stage changes

Trigger when deal stage updates or via workflows

LinePilot runs when triggered, this could be when a deal moves between stages, when a property is updated, or even specify your own custom triggers by using our Workflow action.


Line items on deal

Keep line items in sync with no duplicates

Make sure you never have messy data, you can safely run LinePilot multiple times on the same deal, and you'll never get duplicates. You can even dynamically skip certain items by setting the quantity to zero.


Get started for free

The best way to experience LinePilot is to try it.
Create your first template in minutes, absolutely free.