What is the LinePilot Button?
The LinePilot Button sits on the sidebar of your HubSpot deal, letting you or your team trigger a template any time you like (rather than waiting for an automation to run). With the LinePilot button you get instant feedback on what line items have been added or updated. This is ideal if you're asking users to update data before updating your line items, or if automated triggers don't suit. You can use the LinePilot button alongside any automated triggers you have set up.
Using the button is easy - just click "Start LinePilot" - choose a template from the list, and click "Run Template". Your line items are updated in just a few seconds.

Installing the LinePilot Button
Installing the button is easy - you just need to add it to your deal sidebar. Follow these steps to get started.
Note: You will need to have connected LinePilot to your HubSpot account first as part of the install process, before getting started.
First, navigate to the "Record Customization" section of your deals. You can either go to Settings > Objects > Deals then click the "Record Customization Tab", or click the "Customize Record" link on any deal.

This will take you to a list of all the "Views" set up for your deals. You can use this to customise which users see which content in your deals. For example, you could limit who can access LinePilot by only including the button in some views. Find out more about how views work on the HubSpot knowledge base. If you've not set this up before - just click Default view.

Then you'll see an editable view of your deals, click "Add Cards" on the right hand side, choose LinePilot from the list (you can search or filter just by "Apps" if you need to), then close the sidebar.

Then you can drag the cards on the sidebar around to rearrange them, and put LinePilot in the right place.
Once finished, when viewing a deal you'll see "Start LinePilot" in the sidebar. Here you can choose which template to run.

Remember, you'll have to make sure templates are enabled before they show up in the list. When editing a template you'll see "LinePilot Button" listed in the trigger section.